插件名称:American Football Mod (美式橄榄球)

4、使用此插件时请使用名字为 fm_stadium.bsp 的自带地图。


Copyright 2023.7.4

American Football模组是一个模拟的反恐精英足球游戏。游戏在足球场上进行,恐怖分子和反恐分子互相对战。每个队伍可以由1至11名球员组成,其中包括1名四分卫和一组接球员。球由四分卫传递,并且四分卫可以选择冲撞或坐在原地尝试传球给一个空闲的接球员。进攻方最终需要将球送入终区,但更重要的是通过达到一次进攻线并且不被对方抄截来保持进攻。游戏会继续进行直到一支队伍得分达到最大得分限制并结束游戏。两支队伍等待30秒,然后开始下一场比赛。

#include <fakemeta>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>
#include <csx>
#include <nvault>

fm_bots (默认值: 2) – 生成的足球机器人数量(最多4个)
fm_models (默认值: 1) – 如果启用,玩家将使用NFL球员模型
fm_sbmotd (默认值: “”) – 在GUI记分板上定期显示的MOTD
fm_pumpfake (默认值: 4) – pump fake动画播放速度(设置为0禁用)
fm_monthlystats (默认值: 1) – 如果启用,统计数据将每月重置,并随机显示上个月的统计数据
fm_onsidelength (默认值: 21) – 球必须通过多少码才能允许对方球队恢复球权
fm_quarterclock (默认值: 120) – 每节的时间(秒)
fm_scrimmaxteam (默认值: 5) – 如果启用锦标赛模式,每个队伍允许的玩家数量

say /qb – 调用者成为四分卫
say /help – 显示帮助菜单
say /start – 如果玩家不想等待自动开始新游戏
say /switch – 将调用者切换到另一支队伍
按下 +USE 键 (默认 “e”) – 开启冲刺功能
按下 +RELOAD 键 (默认 “r”) – 进行传球
按下切换按键 (默认 “q”) – 执行潜规则突击
按下道具按键1 (默认 “z”) – 显示切换队伍菜单
按下道具按键2 (默认 “x”) – 显示玩家模型菜单

amx_setqb <玩家> – 强制玩家成为所在队伍的四分卫
amx_setdown <#> – 设置当前球权队伍的进攻次数
amx_setscore <t|ct|1|2> <#> – 设置指定队伍的得分
amx_makeburst <玩家> – 强制玩家使用冲刺功能,无论是否有冲刺次数
amx_makekick <t|ct|1|2> – 终止当前进攻,强制某个队伍进行开球
amx_scrim <on|off|1|0|NULL> – 切换锦标赛模式,禁用所有平衡、失误和自动开始功能
amx_teamlock <1|2> – 锁定队伍,禁止玩家切换或调整
amx_setmodels <队伍名称> – 输入队伍名称以加载队伍模型和球员
amx_end – 强制结束当前游戏
amx_shake – 随机混合所有队伍(管理员和机器人不受影响)

Football模组不能在任何旧的dust2或rats地图上运行。它以地图坐标为依据,需要一个水平从终区到终区运行的平地表面。基本上,我在压缩文件中提供了15个地图。如果有人有意愿制作自己的地图,需要下载Valve Hammer Editor并打开maps.zip文件中的fm_football.rmf文件,它包含了制作橄榄球地图所需的所有实体(注意:比赛场地必须水平运行,恐怖分子队在左侧,反恐分子队在右侧)。



American Football mod is a simulated Counter-Stike game of football. The game is played in a football stadium where the Terrorist and Counter-Terrorists play head-to-head. Teams can be anywhere from 1 to 11 player(s) which will feature 1 QB and a reserve of receivers. The ball is snapped and the QB can opt to rush the ball or sit back and try to pass the ball to an open receiver. The offense ultimately needs to get the ball to the end zone but most importantly they need to keep their drive going by getting to the first down line while not throwing an interception to the opposing team. The game is continued until one team scores the max score limit and the game is ended. The two teams wait for 30 seconds then another game is started.


#include <fakemeta>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>
#include <csx>
#include <nvault>

fm_bots (d:2) – How many football bots are spawned (max 4)
fm_models (d:1) – If enabled, players will use NFL player models
fm_sbmotd (d:””) – MOTD that displays periodically in the gui scoreboard
fm_pumpfake (d:4) – The speed in which the pump fake animation plays (0 to disable)
fm_monthlystats (d:1) – If enabled, stats will be reset monthly and last month stats are randomly shown
fm_onsidelength (d:21) – How many yards the ball has to pass before the opposing team is allowed to recover
fm_quarterclock (d:120) – Amount of time (in seconds) each quarter is
fm_scrimmaxteam (d:5) – If scrim mode is enabled, how many players each team is allowed

Player Commands
say /qb – This will give the invoker the Quarterback Position
say /help – This will display the help menu
say /start – This will start a new game if people don’t want to wait for it to do itself
say /switch – This will switch the invoker to the opposite team
press +USE key (default “e”) – This will make the player Speed Burst
press +RELOAD key (default “r”) – This will make the player pitch the football
press switch key (default “q”) – This will make the player Dive
press radio1 key (default “z”) – This will bring up the menu for team switching
press radio2 key (default “x”) – This will bring up the player model menu

Admin Commands
amx_setqb <player> – Forces player to be the QB for their current team.
amx_setdown <#> – Sets the current down for the team with possession of the ball.
amx_setscore <t|ct|1|2> <#> – Sets the score of the given team.
amx_makeburst <player> – Forces the player to use speed burst if he has a burst or not.
amx_makekick <t|ct|1|2> – Stops current down and forces a team to kickoff to the other team.
amx_scrim <on|off|1|0|NULL> – Toggles tournament mode which will disable all team balancing, fumbles and autostart.
amx_teamlock <1|2> – Locks teams so players cannot change or switch
amx_setmodels <Team name> – Enter team name and it loads the teams model and players
amx_end – Forces the current game to end.
amx_shake – Randomly mixes all the teams together. (Admins and bots are untouched)


Football mod will not work on any old dust2 or rats map. Its keys off of a maps co-ordinates and requires a flat surface that runs horizontal from end zone to end zone. Basically I offer 15 maps in the zip file. If someone is inclined enough to make their own map, you need to download Valve Hammer Editor and open the fm_football.rmf file in the maps.zip file, it contains all the entities to make a football map (note: playing surface needs to run horizontally with the cts on the left side and t’s on the right side.).

First download the .amxx file and place it in your addons\amxmodx\plugins folder.
Add the line “football.amxx” without the “s into your addons\amxmodx\configs\plugins.ini file.
Download the zip file and extract the files into the proper folders in your server cstrike folder.
Completley restart your server and change to a football map.

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