// Official Xtreme-Jumps.eu AMXX package for Listen Server v2.1
// Credits go to: Fatalis, Bla^, xPaw, NumB, eDark, Koukouz and faker

1. Introduction:

This pack was made for people that want a legal and 100% working AMXX pack for their LAN server.
If you record your world record demos with this plugin, you can be sure that all the settings are correct and your demo will be legit.
It was also made for beginners and new jumpers who don’t want to read tutorials to install AMXX on their computer, but
want to have checkpoints on their server anyway, to learn jumping and benefit from the other cool features of AMXX.
You can use hook or /start to get to the start button easily, for example.
You can also use checkpoints or godmode to train a certain map or to train edgebugs.
Another feature is that AXN is included it is automatically enabled on AXN maps (Note: If new AXN maps are released you have to update the “addons/amxmodx/configs/maps/” directory and add the new map).

2. Installation:

The installation is pretty easy. You just have to unpack the archive and copy the files
to your /steam/SteamApps/your@email.com/counter-strike/cstrike/”.

Notes: If you are installing this to a fresh copy of steam/counter-strike you need to start ‘New game’ once, to make the game generate all needed dll files BEFORE you install the plugins.

3. This package features:

– Latest AMX Mod X
– Latest Metamod-P
– HookMod (the best hook mod)
– Checkpoints plugin (xtreme-jumps.amxx)
– LJStats XM
– AXN (will enable itself only on AXN maps)
– Xtreme-Jumps demo settings executed automatically
– Realtime measurement with decimals

4. Commands (both, say and console):

/checkpoint, /cp – Save a checkpoint
/gocheck, /gc – Go to your checkpoint
/start, /st – Go to the start button
/stuck, /back – Go to your previous checkpoint
/godmode, /god – Give yourself godmode so that you don’t die when falling
/noclip, /nc – Give yourself noclip so you can fly around the map
/uptime, /up – Show server uptime.
+hook – Bind a key to this to use hook (bind f +hook)

5. CVars: (change these in addons/amxmodx/configs/amxx.cfg)

1=ON, 0=OFF
xj_checkpoints 1 // Allow checkpoints
xj_allowgodmode 1 // Allow all players to use godmode (/god)
xj_allownoclip 1 // Allow all players to use noclip (/noclip)
xj_checkpointmsg 1 // Show a message when you make a checkpoint
xj_gocheckmsg 1 // Show a message when you go back to your checkpoint

6. Notes and useful information:

– Make sure you change the “hostname” cvar in amxx.cfg if you want to customize your game!
– Make all cvar changes in amxx.cfg, not server.cfg or listenserver.cfg!
– Check ljstats-readme.txt for LJStats XM commands

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